It’s a new year full of potential! 2012 is gone and now 2013 lies before you just waiting to be conquered. Here are my 13 ways that you can make 2013 a positive and productive year:
13. Wake up every morning and thank God you are alive. Every day in the US over 6,500 people don’t wake up. World wide over 153,000 people die every day. If you wake up you are blessed. Embrace life and be thankful to be alive. This is the day The Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it.
12. If you have a job or business to go to don’t complain about it, be thankful. Over 12.5 million people are unemployed and looking for work. See your work as a blessing, not a necessary evil. Embrace it and give it your best.
11. Do your best at work. If you feel unappreciated at work don’t let your work quality suffer. Keep pride in your work. When you do more than you are paid to do you will eventually be paid more for what you do. Maybe not by your current employer, but you never know who is watching. Good workers are hard to find. Build your reputation of doing good work in all situations and you greatly improve your chances of future rewards. Knowing you have done your best will help your attitude, even if you feel no one appreciates it. Work as if unto The Lord. It will pay off in the long run.
10. Help others. Think outside yourself. The more you give to others the better you will feel about yourself. Helping those who are worse off than you gives you a new appreciation for what you have. Give generously, full measure, pressed down and overflowing.
9. Take a mission trip to a foreign country, impoverished Indian reservation or inner city slum. Spend at least a week with the impoverished. Seeing how little the rest of the world has will help you see how truly blessed you are. It will also help you re-prioritize your life. Most of the world lives on less than $2 a day. You are blessed. You will discover you can live with a lot less than you think.
8. Exercise. Nothing helps your attitude like exercise. Get your heart pumping for at least 20 minutes each day. It will relieve stress and help clear your thinking. You will feel the difference.
7. Get outdoors, breathe the fresh air and soak up the sun. Don’t stay cooped up indoors. Don’t spend extended time in dark, dull environments. Get outside as much as you can.
6. Sleep. Studies show most adults don’t get enough sleep. Get at least 6 hours and preferably 8 hours of sleep each night. When you are well rested you will have a better outlook on life and be better prepared to handle life’s difficulties.
5. Schedule fun. Nothing takes the joy out of life more than overwork. The old adage, “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” is true now more than ever. Take time to relax and have fun. Take a day of rest every week.
4. Eat healthy. A junk food diet causes a rollercoaster of energy highs and lows. Each crash causes mental fatigue that affects your mood and attitude.
3. Live the year intentionally. Don’t let the year run itself, take control of the new year. Set goals and priorities, develop a plan of action for what you want to accomplish and then work the plan. Budget your time. Set priorities. Take control of your life.
2. Start every day with the Lord. Pray and read His word to start off the day. Get God’s perspective on the day and any problems you may face. Remember, Jesus is bigger than any difficulties you may face. “In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
1. Hire a life coach to help you develop a plan for the new year, keep you on track with your goals and help you keep control of your life. Studies show that having someone who will hold you accountable for reaching your goals increases the probability of success 85%.
Ken Lawrence is a member of the John Maxwell Team of coaches, teachers and speakers. Ken specializes in helping people and organizations be the best they can be. He can be reached via email at Succeed @ or visit his website